Episode 100: Amanda and Wendy of @quilt.buzz
In this episode we: reflect back on ninety-nine episodes, examine the “why” behind the podcast, and talk about what we’re looking forward to next once we come back from a little break from the show.

Episode 099: Willie of @williequilts
In this episode we: discuss all the ways different arts nourish different parts of us, ponder setting our rotary cutters aside for our next patchwork project, and consider making a quilting frame.

Episode 098: Pat of @hawaiianquiltsbypat
In this episode we: compare notes about hand quilting on a hoop, consider the freedom that comes with making something by hand (and the importance of not beating yourself up over imperfections), and wrap our minds around designing in eighths.

Episode 097: Deidre of @lilabeanquilts
In this episode we: consider what makes a quilting pattern truly for beginners, are lured by the promises of sharper seams thanks to starch, and consider the ups, downs, and rounds and rounds of multitasking.

Episode 096: Daisi of @daisitoegel
In this episode we: assess all the things to consider when it comes to being a vendor at a craft fair, consider the range of possible color palettes in quilting vs bag making, and compares notes about our personal limits for quilting on our domestic machines aka "when to call in the longarm quilter"! .

Episode 095: Stephanie of @prettyplease.mx
In this episode we: dig into the iterative nature of the design process, discuss the excitement when seeing your patterns come to life, and contemplate the magic of figuring out what you really enjoy creatively.

Episode 094: Karen of @aurifilthread
In this episode we: explore everything that goes into a single spool of thread, finally get to the root of why thread weights can be so confusing, and start plotting how to play with our threads in our next quilting projects.

Episode 093: Vasudha of @storiedquilts314
In this episode we: contemplate our favorite numbers, puzzle over the magic of optical illusions, and meditate on how every quilt has its own story.

Episode 092: Luci of @seagardensewing
In this episode we: mull over the “secret sauce” of quilting that balances meditative practice with tangible results, discuss owning the color-scheme that makes you happy, learn all about virtual quilting bees, and discover that this is Maggie’s world.

Episode 091: Thomas and Marion of @carrefour_patchwork
In this episode we: armchair-travel to Alsace, France with the European Patchwork Meeting, examine the logistical complexities of organizing a quilt show across four different villages and 17 different venues, and consider how cool it would be to have the opportunity to chat with quilt artists during an exhibition of their work.

Episode 090: Larrie of @mister.larrie
In this episode we: discuss the importance of simply trying while creating, explore the power of taking a break from making things, and evaluate the necessity of some of the crafty clutter we've accumulated.

Episode 089: Daisy of @warmfolk
In this episode we: reflect on discovering new quilting techniques that make your heart sing, consider all the prep work that goes into a workshop, and assess the current (and future) potential of lasers in the world of patchwork.

Episode 088: Maritza of @sotosewn
In this episode we: grapple with the concept of perfection, fall in love with the idea of putting works in progress in a “timeout”, and explore the puzzle-like nature of improv patchwork.

Episode 087: Chris of @rosecityoriginals
In this episode we: explore the idea of leaving a quilt design up to a literal roll of the dice, contemplate all the possibilities within a fat quarter, and debate the pros and cons of crumb quilting.

Episode 086: Ursula of @ldh_scissors and @barely.finished
In this episode we: learn all about how scissors are made, decide that we’ve been taking all our cutting tools for granted, and brainstorm what we want to submit to see on the next “Will It Cut?” episode.

Episode 085: Sharbreon of @sharbreon
In this episode we: discuss what goes into an interview, consider the number of stories that have yet to be told (and that we aren't even aware of yet!), and examine how magical it is to get to don a pair of white gloves and handle quilts.

Episode 084: Lindsey of @penandpaperpatterns
In this episode we: consider what it is about quilting that keeps us engaged, celebrate our love of quilt blocks, and explore using glue instead of pins.

Episode 083: Karen of @justgetitdonequilts
In this episode we: dig into everything that goes into a YouTube video, debate starting off with a king size quilt as your first quilt, contemplate whether it's time for a destash, and discover a new hack to perfect HSTs.

Episode 082: Vickeidy of @sewspicious
In this episode we: deliberate over how many years it takes until you can call yourself a New Yorker, explore all the possible ways to use a magnetic pincushion, consider what a small quilting world it is, and learn how to keep a manicure fresh while sewing.

Episode 081: Brandy of @quilteronfire
In this episode we: talk shop about running a podcast, get a peek behind the scenes of becoming a certified quilt judge, and learn all about quilting travel.